Our Board of Directors is a unitary board, and has a wide range of skills with a number of Directors having a medical, nursing or other health professional background. The Non-Executive Directors have wide-ranging expertise and experience, with backgrounds in finance, audit, estates, property, business development, primary care, organisational development and research. The Board believes that it is balanced and complete in its composition, and appropriate to the requirements of the organisation. The Board has overall responsibility for the implementation of our strategy, policy and performance through the forward plan and our values.
The Board meetings are held bi-monthly and are open to the public. The agenda papers are published in advance and are available for the current year and previous years. The Board of Directors have a responsibility to declare relevant interests as defined in Sections 12.22 to 12.32 of our Constitution.
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Company Secretary
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- Non-Executive Directors (Voting)
Prof. Mike Thomas, Chair
Professor Mike Thomas took up the role of Chair of the Trust Board at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in January, 2025. As well as this, he also continues to serve as the Chair of the Lancashire and South Cumbria Provider Collaborative Board.
Mike has worked in academia and the health sector for nearly 40-years in a variety of senior academic roles, including Vice-Chancellor, also holding various professional chairs across four universities. Prior to entering academia, he served in the Royal Navy, working for five years in HM Submarines before employment in the engineering sector and then qualifying as a mental health nurse and later a psychological therapist. He remains research active and a practising clinical psychotherapist. For many years he carried out clinical research to enhance mental health s
upport for individuals who experience severe and enduring eating disorders whilst, simultaneously, over the last fifteen years he has been working with research colleagues across the UK investigating issues that impact on compassionate leadership in both the public and private sectors. He has written three books and numerous articles and chapters on these two subjects.
Mike is committed to the voluntary, charity and public sector and has been continuously involved in charitable work for his whole working life. He is currently serving as Chair of Making Space, a national mental health charity and he co-founded the College for Military Veterans and the Emergency Services. More recently, Mike has been providing an advisory service to public and commercial sector organisations supporting staff engagement projects, cultural change programmes and strategies for enhancing good governance.
Dr. Tim Ballard, Non-Executive Director
Tim Ballard was born and brought up in Lancashire and after qualifying in medicine he went into general practice in 1988. He was a GP trainer for about 25 years and was an Examiner for 21 years for the membership examination of the Royal College of GPs and for a period led the Simulated Surgery module assessing the consultation skills of doctors. Tim was a nationally elected member of Council at the Royal College of GPs for 12 years and served as Vice Chair at the RCGP from 2013 to 2016.
Since 2016 Tim has been a National Clinical Advisor at CQC giving clinical advice to the commission around the areas of general practice, independent primary care, online and digital health, as well as supporting CQC inspections. Tim is a keen advocate for environmental sustainability especially as it relates to healthcare.
Prof. StJohn Crean, Non-Executive DirectorTerm of office from 3 March 2025 for a period of three years.
Professor Crean also serves the University of Central Lancashire as Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) and previously held the roles of Executive Dean of the Faculty of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences, Director of Dental Research and Knowledge Transfer, and Dean of the School of Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education.
Beyond the University, StJohn is an Honorary Consultant at Blackpool Victoria Hospitals Trust and the University of Morecambe Bay Hospitals Foundation Trust. He is currently the Robert Bradlaw advisor in the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and Editor-in-Chief of the Faculty Dental Journal (FDJ). In addition, he holds the posts of President of the Northwest Branch of the British Dental Association and Chairman of the Fylde Section
His research interests include the safe management of medicalised patients in dentistry and the role of oral bacteria in systemic disease, with a focus on neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Dr. Karen Deeny, Non-Executive Director
Term of office from 1 March 2025, for a period of one year.
Karen started her career as a speech and language therapist and has over 40 years’ experience across health, social care and education organisations and systems locally, regionally and nationally. Her work as a clinician, senior leader, researcher and author has been driven by an enduring passion for working with and learning from patients and staff to improve people’s experiences and outcomes of care. Karen has completed the NHS Top Leaders programme, holds a PhD in healthcare improvement and is an Institute of Leadership and Management qualified executive coach and mentor. She now works independently supporting a range of statutory, voluntary and charitable organisations with their assurance and improvement programmes.
Adrian Leather, Non-Executive Director
Term of office from 1 March 2025, for a period of one year.
Adrian is also the CEO of Active Lancashire and has worked in Lancashire for over 20 years, focusing his energy on making Lancashire a healthier and more equitable place. Adrian’s background is in community development and criminal justice however, his passion is in collaborating with other organisations to help them be more successful and innovative.
Adrian is always on the lookout for a new personal challenge which he finds through walking and cycling which is a pleasure and restoring his house in the Lakes which is sometimes too much of a challenge!
Uzair Patel, Non-Executive Director
Uzair is a Chartered Accountant and senior finance professional with deep and wide-ranging experience across global banking in a range of technical and commercially focused roles. He is a board member of Torus Foundation supporting communities in Liverpool and the surrounding areas. He was previously a board member at the national domestic-violence and abuse charity, Safe Lives, as well as Chair of Audit and Risk at King’s College London Students’ Union. He was co-creator of the award-winning #ThisIsMe mental-health campaign at Barclays and across the City of London in partnership with the Lord Mayor of London. He read Biomedical Sciences at King’s College London with a focus on neuroscience and pharmacology.
John Schorah, Non-Executive Director
Term of office from 1 March 2025, for a period of one year.
John is an accomplished legal professional with extensive experience in strategic transformation, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate governance. John became Weightmans' Managing Partner in 2013 and was re-elected for the second time in 2018 until 2023. During his time on Weightmans' board, John has overseen the firm's acquisitions, opening of new offices, overhauled the partnership remuneration structure and seen the firm's overall revenues rise from £43.8m in 2007 to £100m.
John’s is a dedicated supporter of Everton Football Club and has a keen interest in wine production.
Tim Watkinson, Senior Independent Director
Tim is a qualified accountant with over 25 years’ experience in senior audit positions in the public sector. He was previously the Group Chief Internal Auditor for the Ministry of Justice and prior to that was a District Auditor with the Audit Commission, including terms of office in Lancashire County Council, Preston City Council and Chorley Borough Council. Tim has led national teams and taken a lead role for the Audit Commission in the development of methodology for improving the performance of local authorities. Tim has experience of working in major accountancy firms providing audit and consultancy services to the public sector including the NHS. He has also been employed as an accountant and a Chief Internal Auditor within the NHS.
Tim is the Chair of the Trust’s Audit Committee. He is also the Non-Executive Board lead for Freedom to Speak Up and a member of the Rosemere Management Committee. Outside the Trust, Tim is an independent member of the UK Statistics Authority’s Audit and Risk Assurance Committee.
- Executive Directors (Voting)
Silas Nicholls, Chief Executive
Silas is an experienced Chief Executive and NHS leader who began his NHS career as a graduate management trainee. He has since held a wide range of general management posts, including commissioning roles in health authorities, management of community services and extensive hospital management experience.
Silas has held a number of Chief executive posts since 2016 and joined Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in January 2024.
In addition to his Chief Executive role, Silas is the Chair of the North West Leadership Academy.
In January 2024 he was awarded the title of Professor of Leadership and Healthcare Management – Institute of Medicine, University of Bolton.
Sarah Morrison, Chief Nursing Officer and Deputy Chief Executive
Sarah is a Registered Nurse with experience in a variety of nursing and operational roles in a broad range of specialties. Sarah has spent 18 years of her career at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay and joined Lancashire Teaching Hospitals in 2017 as the Deputy Nursing, Midwifery and AHP Director becoming the Executive Nursing, Midwifery and AHP Director in 2019. Sarah is the Executive lead with responsibility for the hospital charity, governance, maternity, children and safeguarding. She is also a trustee of the post graduate education charity.
Katie Foster-Greenwood, Chief Operating Officer
Katie joined Lancashire Teaching Hospitals in August 2024 having previously been Chief Operating Officer at Salford Care Organisation which is part of the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust (since June 2019). Katie was also the Greater Manchester Chief Operating Officer Lead for Urgent & Emergency Care supporting the development of an Integrated Care Board co-ordination hub.
Katie started in the NHS in 1996 as an ED registered nurse and then moved into operations management working within the Greater Manchester system in both provider, commissioning, and private healthcare organisations.
Katie has led large scale adult community service re-design and transformation and has a breadth of experience working alongside and managing adult social care services.
Gerry Skailes, Chief Medical Officer
Gerry graduated from Guys Hospital in London and spent the early years of her medical training in London and the South Coast before moving to the Christie Hospital to undertake specialist training in Clinical Oncology. She was appointed as a Consultant at the Royal Preston Hospital in 1997 with an interest in treating lung and gynecological cancers. She has held a number of leadership roles within the Trust and North West region including Clinical Lead for the Lancashire and South Cumbria Cancer Alliance and Deputy Medical Director of the Trust. Gerry continues to work as a Consultant in Oncology undertaking a weekly Acute Oncology ward round and is actively involved in a number of the ICP and ICS Committees. Gerry was appointed as the Trust’s full-time Medical Director from March 2018 and is also our Caldicott Guardian.
David Stonehouse, Interim Chief Finance Officer
David has over 20 years’ experience as a Finance Director, most recently in the role of Interim Finance Director at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust. He has also worked at a variety of other NHS Trusts, including Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust, The Hillingdon Hospitals Foundation Trust, Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust and The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King’s Lynn NHS Foundation Trust.
- Executive Director (Non-Voting)
Ailsa Brotherton, Director of Continuous Improvement & Transformation
Ailsa joined the Trust in 2017 from Manchester Foundation Trust where she was the Director of Transformation for the Single Hospital Programme. Prior to this Ailsa was the Clinical Quality Director for the North of England with the Trust Development Authority/NHSI. She has also held a post-doctoral senior research fellow post, has a Masters in Leadership (Quality Improvement) from Ashridge Business School and is a Health Foundation Generation Q Fellow. Ailsa has extensive experience of designing and delivering quality improvement and large scale change programmes. During this year, Ailsa was awarded an honorary professorship in the School of Health and Wellbeing at the University of Central Lancashire and is working with our academic partners to ensure all our improvement programmes are evidence based and evaluated. She is a member of the Safety and Quality Committee, Education, Training and Research Committee, Workforce Committee. Ailsa is member of the national Improvement Directors’ network, as well as a registered Dietitian.
Jennifer Foote MBE, Director of Corporate Affairs
Jennifer joined the Trust in July 2022 and has extensive experience of corporate governance across the public sector, including working as part of the Further Education Commissioner’s Team in the Department of Education as a National Leader of Governance. Jennifer was awarded the MBE in 2017 for services to governance.
Naomi Duggan, Director of Communications & EngagementNaomi joined the Trust in April 2020 in this newly created Director post, having previously undertaken a similar role at University Hospitals of North Midlands from October 2015 where she was a member of the Board and Executive team.
Prior to this, Naomi has had senior communications and engagement roles at Tameside and Glossop Primary Care Trust, Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council and within private sector retail.
Naomi has run her own consultancy business and after her first degree she started her career as a Management trainee on the Blue Chip British Coal Corporation graduate scheme. Naomi has worked on a number of transformational projects for the NHS including Better Care Together in Morecambe Bay and Healthier Together in Greater Manchester, as well as controversial retail schemes which needed positive engagement to win the hearts and minds of a range of key stakeholders in order to secure planning permission and political and community support.
A graduate of Leeds University, Naomi has an MBA from Leeds University Business School, a Postgraduate certificate in Marketing from Sheffield Business School and the Chartered Institute of Marketing Diploma, and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.
Neil Pease, Chief People Officer
Neil brings over 25 years of NHS experience, transitioning to Lancashire Teaching Hospitals after serving nearly four years at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust as Executive People Director and Chief People Officer.
Before that, he held executive roles at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust and Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
With a degree in Sports Medicine from Glasgow University, Neil shifted his focus to education and organisational development, pioneering clinical simulation in palliative care education.
His journey includes roles at NHS Hull and a stint as Director of Strategic Development at Hull Kingston Rovers Rugby League Club.
He holds a Professional Doctorate from Sheffield Hallam University in organisational development and anthropology.
- Declared Interests
The Board of Directors have a responsibility to declare relevant interests as defined in Sections 12.22 to 12.32 of our Constitution. The current register of all the interests declared by the Board is available here.