The Clinical Academic Faculty supports healthcare practitioners (Nurses, Midwives, Allied Health Professionals, Clinical Psychologists and Medics etc) across all grades and levels of research skill development to:
- identify and use evidence for practice;
- implement evidence based healthcare improvements for the benefit of patients;
- develop research skills and confidence;
- support the growth of clinical academic careers;
- work in partnership with out Lay Research Advisory Group (LRAG);
- access clinical academic research networks and opportunities;
- be a part of the community of clincal academic researchers;
- support colleagues research and innovation projects;
- become research and innovation leaders.
There are lots of ways that people can get involved, through Information Literacy Skills programmes, Clinical Academic Trainee programme (CATs), Research Development Group, Writing4Publication workshops, Rapid Conversion Evidence Summaries (RaCES),Research Funding workshops; Research Internships, Research Tasters; Research Buddies; Master's in Clincal Research or Doctoral study programmes and Lay Research Advisory Group.
Interested? Contact us directly (
- About us
Our vision is to create a vibrant and sustainable research community of clinical practitioners and university academic partners so that home grown research and innovation that positively impacts quality of care, productivity of services and people’s health outcomes and experiences can grow and flourish.
Dr Philippa Olive, Senior Research Fellow
Jackie Baldwin, Academic Research Nurse
- Further Information
There are lots of ways to get involved, for example:
Research Development Group
Are you interested in research? Are you a member of staff? Are you a Patient or a member of the public? Do you have a research idea and would like help to develop it? See flier for more information.
RaCES: Rapid Conversion Evidence Summaries
Everything we do is based on evidence. When new research is carried out we need to be able to gather that evidence quickly and effeciently to ensure that it informs our practice. The RaCES scheme is a team approach for rapidly converting new systematic reviews or evidence syntheses into evidence summaries to inform practice. Team are made up practitioner and academics. For further information see flier.
To see the summaries that have been produced and to find out more about this project visit our web site at
Our vision is to create a vibrant and sustainable research community of clinical practitioners and university academic partners so that home grown research and innovation that positively impacts quality of care, productivity of services and people’s health outcomes and experiences can grow and flourish.
Dr Philippa Olive, Senior Research Fellow
Jackie Baldwin, Academic Research Nurse
There are lots of ways to get involved, for example:
Research Development Group
Are you interested in research? Are you a member of staff? Are you a Patient or a member of the public? Do you have a research idea and would like help to develop it? See flier for more information.
RaCES: Rapid Conversion Evidence Summaries
Everything we do is based on evidence. When new research is carried out we need to be able to gather that evidence quickly and effeciently to ensure that it informs our practice. The RaCES scheme is a team approach for rapidly converting new systematic reviews or evidence syntheses into evidence summaries to inform practice. Team are made up practitioner and academics. For further information see flier.
To see the summaries that have been produced and to find out more about this project visit our web site at