Governors are elected by patients, public and staff, or nominated by some of our partner organisations. Elections to the Council of Governors take place at the beginning of each year, and governors generally serve a three-year term of office, beginning and ending in April.
Governors attend meetings of the Council of Governors, representing their local communities, and working together to advise and influence how we develop and deliver services. This means discussing topics such as major new service developments, the annual report and accounts, and how members are being recruited and kept informed.
The Council of Governors holds four formal meetings each year and they are open to the public. The agenda papers are published in advance and are available for the current year and previous years. Regular workshops are arranged to support Governors to keep up to date about the NHS, the healthcare needs of the local community, and our strategy and performance. All members of the Council of Governors have a responsibility to declare relevant interests as defined in Sections 11.39 to 11.43 of our Constitution.
Elections are generally held in March each year, if you would like to consider standing for election, please contact email
- Public Governors
Angela Kos (Appointment period to 31 March 2027)
Carole Cochrane (Appointment period to 31 March 2027)
Christine Pownall (Appointment period to 31 March 2027)
David Blanchflower (Appointment period to 31 March 2026)
Feixia Yu (Appointment period to 31 March 2026)
Frank Robinson (Appointment period to 31 March 2026)
Graham Fullarton (Appointment period to 31 March 2026)
Graham Robinson (Appointment period to 31 March 2027)
Janet Miller (Appointment period to 31 March 2026)
Dr Margaret France (Appointment period to 31 March 2026)
Mike Simpson – (Appointment period to 31 March 2025)
Pav Akhtar – (Appointment period to 31 March 2027)
Philip Curwen (Appointment period to 31 March 2027)
Sheila Brennan (Appointment period to 31 March 2025)
Steve Heywood (Appointment period to 31 March 2025)
Takhsin Akhtar - (Appointment period to 31 March 2025)
- Staff Governors
Chooi Oh – representing Doctors and Dentists (Appointment period to 31 March 2027)
Lesley Purcell – representing Non-Clinical (Appointment period to 31 March 2027)
Steven Doran – representing Nurses and Midwives (Appointment period to 31 March 2026)
Tom Ramsay – representing Other Health Professionals and Healthcare Scientists (Appointment period to 31 March 2027)
- Appointed Governors
Appointed or Partnership Governors are for a term expiring at the end of the term of office of the governor appointed by their respective partnership organisation.
Local Authority
Lou Jackson - South Ribble Council
Alistair Bradley - Chorley Borough Council
Eddie Pope – Lancashire County Council
Suleman Sarwar - Preston City Council
University (Partnership)
Nigel Garratt - University of Central Lancashire
Council of Governors Declared Interests
All members of the Council of Governors have a responsibility to declare relevant interests as defined in Sections 11.39 to 11.43 of our Constitution. The current register of all the interests declared by the Governors is available here.