As a Foundation Trust we are regulated by NHS Improvement, the independent regulator for the foundation trust sector. All providers of healthcare are also required to be registered with the Care Quality Commission and we have been registered without conditions The Trust is supported by NHS Providers which is the membership organisation for the NHS acute, ambulance, community and mental health services that treat patients and service users in the NHS.
Internally, the Board of Directors is responsible for the running of the organisation and for our performance through the forward plan and our values. Our Council of Governors, made up of governors both elected by our membership and appointed by a number of our partner organisations, has a number of statutory functions as well as providing a voice for the membership of the organisation.
The general duties of the Council of Governors are to hold the non-executive directors individually and collectively to account for the performance of the Board of Directors, and to represent the interests of the members of the Trust as a whole and the interests of the public.
The specific roles and responsibilities of the Council of Governors are to:
- appoint and, if appropriate, remove the Chair and other non-executive directors
- approve the appointment of the Chief Executive
- decide the remuneration and allowances, and the other terms and conditions of office, of the Chair and the other non-executive directors
- appoint and, if appropriate, remove the NHS foundation trust’s auditor
- receive the NHS foundation trust’s annual report and accounts and any report of the auditor on them.
In addition, the Board of Directors must have regard to the views of the Council of Governors when preparing our forward plan.
Registers of Interest
A Register of Interests has been in place for some years for the Board of Directors and Council of Governors. On appointment, new members are required to complete a full induction process which includes their declaration. Any changes during the year must be declared to the Trust Secretary immediately and formally at the next meeting of the Board or Council.
This is reviewed annually and, in addition, at the start of each meeting members are required to declare any interests that may affect the papers considered. For members of the Council of Governors, they complete the declaration process when elected and then annually.
The declarations for both the Board and Council are published on at least an annual basis and usually within meeting papers.
New national guidance was published early in 2017 to ensure that we use NHS money wisely, providing best value for taxpayers and accountability to our patients for the decisions we take. Decision making staff declarations are now also available.
Risk Management
CQC standards at Chorley and South Ribble Hospital
CQC standards at Royal Preston Hospital
CQC standards at Finney House