Maternity Leaflets groups Meet the Team phone Maternity Contact Numbers diversity_3 Maternal Medicine Centre location_city Options for Place of Birth groups Maternity Voices Partnership pregnant_woman Just found out you are pregnant? self_improvement Perinatal Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Service dvr BadgerNet Electronic Health Records Maternity Pages Directions to Sharoe Green Unit and Chorley Birth CentreMaternity LeafletsOckenden StatementMaternity Covid Visiting GuidanceNeed to consider your pregnancy options?BadgerNet Electronic Health RecordsBirth Place Options Overview LinkFeeding Your BabyPerinatal Mental HealthMaternity BereavementMaternal Medicine Centre - Royal Preston Hospital Counseling Services Woman's Health Counselling Services Epilepsy in pregnancy RCOG - Epilepsy in pregnancyImportant health and wellbeing information for you and your baby Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well First ultrasound scan MRSA and pregnancy Newborn Physical examination outcomes NIPE Eye Referral Newborn Physical examination outcomes NIPE Heart Referral Newborn Physical examination outcomes NIPE Hip Referral Newborn Physical examination outcomes NIPE Testes Referral PHE Fetal anomaly screening: 20-week scan Pregnancy and Body Mass Index (BMI) Quit for you, quit for two Rashes and Measels in Pregnancy Receiving a Ferinject Infusion Screening for Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Screening tests for you and your baby Screening Tests for you and your Baby (Polish) Thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) Treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Use of anticlotting medications in your pregnancy (LMWH) Vaccinations in pregnancy Whooping Cough Leaflet Why have I been offered an additional scan Your stop smoking journeyFactors Affecting Pregnancy Blood group D negative - mothers blood test to check her unborn baby's blood group Breech baby (ECV) Breech baby at the end of pregnancy Chicken pox in pregnancy Gestational Diabetes Planning your pregnancy when you have diabetes Uterine Artery Doppler Measurement When your waters break prematurelyThis information is for you if you think that, or have been told that, your waters have broken early but you have not gone into labour.Planning Your Birth Assisted vaginal birth (Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists) Birth options after previous caesarean section (Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists) Prevention And Treatment of Maternal Blood Loss During BirthCoping strategies for birth Epidural - Pain management in labour Remifentanil Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) for LabourLabour and birth Outpatient Induction of Labour Pre-labour rupture of membranes Preterm (Premature) Labour and Birth Shoulder dystociaFactors Affecting Birth Breech baby at the end of pregnancy Cervical stitch Gestational Diabetes Low Pregnancy Associated Plasm Protein-A (PAPP-A) Perineal tears and episiotomies in childbirthCaesarean Birth options after previous caesarean section (Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists) Elective caesarean section Elective caesarean section - video Emergency Caesarean Postnatal Information Freqently asked questions after Caesarean Preoperative information for your planned Caesarean Your anaesthetic for Caesarean section Following Birth - Mother Bonding with your Baby… Becoming a Parent Contraception after having your baby (FPA) Emotional Support in the Perinatal Period (IAPT) Guide to Contraception after having a baby BPAS Medicines you may require after the birth of your baby Perineal tears and episiotomies in childbirth Safer sleep - Easy ReadSafer sleep - Easy Read Safer sleep bookletFollowing Birth - Baby Keeping your baby safe in hospital Registering your baby with a GP Registering your baby's birth Safer Sleep for your grandchild Spotting sepsis in childrenFeeding Your Baby Expressing your milk antenatallyInformation and advice for mothers-to-beOther useful information Attend Anywhere Maternity Patient Leaflet All Services a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z