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June 2021


Lancashire Teaching Hospitals have been shortlisted for the ‘Quality Improvement Initiative of the Year’ at the prestigious Health Service Journal (HSJ) 2021 Patient Safety Awards. The awards recognise NHS teams who are actively enhancing patient safety by driving cultural change to minimise risk, enhance quality of care and ultimately save lives. Patient safety is a serious...


Everyone at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals would like to wish a happy first birthday to a very inspirational little girl, Stella. Stella was our youngest ever premature baby to have been discharged from Royal Preston Hospital having been born 18 weeks early weighing just 480g on the Trust’s Neonetal Intensive Care Unit. Born at just 22 weeks...


Dr Munavvar COVID-19 Update - Lancashire Teaching Hospitals from Lancashire Teaching Hospitals on Vimeo.


*Pfizer first and second doses and AstraZeneca first and second doses* Date: Saturday 26 June Times: 8am – 8pm Venue: Jubilee House, Lancashire Enterprise Business Park, Leyland, Lancashire, PR26 6TR *Pfizer first and second doses only* Date: Wednesday 30 June – Saturday 3 July Times: 8am -7pm (please note the clinic will be closed between 1pm – 2pm) Venue: Jubilee...


To undertake some urgent maintenance work at Royal Preston Hospital, we will be closing our Sharoe Green Unit (SGU) main entrance between the hours 10pm – 6am from Monday 28th June - Saturday 3rd July 2021. For patients requiring access to the wards within the SGU between these hours, entry will be via the Ante Natal Clinic...


As we have had to temporarily suspend adult inpatient visiting, we are in urgent need of more hearts. Knitted, crocheted or sewn, we send one to the patient and one to their relative as a way of staying connected whilst they cannot visit. They provide comfort and a connection between those parted due to hospitalisation...


Being Outdoors is good for us, we all know that and mountain air is edifying. However, for one woman, a mountain climb resulted in meeting her partner and a surprise engagement again up a mountain 5 years later. The lonely goat who stood high on the hill in 2006 was Dennis Gaspar. Well actually according to Carolyn...


Building work is under way at the site of a new centre in Burnley for people being treated for kidney disease, due to open in September.  The new facility, at Briercliffe Shopping Centre, will provide haemodialysis treatment and outpatient clinic facilities for patients from across the region.   Haemodialysis is a treatment to remove waste products...

Get in touch

Chorley and South Ribble Hospital

Preston Road



01257 261222

Royal Preston Hospital

Sharoe Green Lane




01772 716565

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