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September 2021


Patient experience and carer experience of the Cancer Services provided by Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Trust (LTHTR) is needed to help with service developments and improvements. The aim To understand how best to help and support patients and carers, Health Care Professionals need to know what patient and carer needs are. The aim of the forum...


Patients and special guests had chance to take a behind-the-scenes tour of Ulverston’s new centre for people being treated for kidney disease at its official opening.  Furness Renal Centre, in Sandside Road, Ulverston, brings haemodialysis treatment and outpatient clinic facilities closer to home for patients.  Haemodialysis is a treatment to remove waste products and...


Claire Stephens (Trainee Advanced Nurse Practitioner) has reached the finals for the National Colorectal Cancer Nurses Network, The prestigious Gary Logue Awards. Nominated for the Bowel Cancer UK award by our colleague and lead cancer nurse  Anne Tomlinson, it is in recognition of the work that Claire  has done in developing and coordinating a revised...


Last week saw the formal opening of the RPH’s Dementia Resource Corridor by our Nursing, Midwifery and AHP Director, Sarah Cullen. The aim of the corridor is to promote dementia awareness and features a range of resources for staff members and people affected by dementia to learn about the disease and strategies to enable...


The forgotten pandemic is high blood pressure and home blood pressure monitoring is an effective and inexpensive way to keep blood pressure under control and the evidence behind it continues to get stronger. It gives you a way to take control of your health, feel confident and take the pressure off the NHS at the...


Please note that this is a stock image used for illustration purposes. This photo was not taken within our hospitals. Going through the loss of a pregnancy is difficult at any time, but it can be made much worse when the news has to be broken in a busy, clinical environment. Previously, the Gynaecology Assessment...


Will you take part in our Rainbow Run in support of our Children’s Appeal? Whether it be a 1k Rainbow Toddle for children or a full marathon distance, the choice is yours, so you can set your own personal challenge. Our Rainbow Run will take place from 18th – 24th October. You can choose to...


Former Premier League footballer Clarke Carlisle is making an emotional appeal for people to ‘keep talking’ in a bid to stop men from taking their own lives. The 41-year-old is supporting the latest phase of Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership’s Let’s Keep Talking campaign which is being launched today – World...

Get in touch

Chorley and South Ribble Hospital

Preston Road



01257 261222

Royal Preston Hospital

Sharoe Green Lane




01772 716565

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