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Baby Beat benefit from pupils' good behaviour

imageBaby Beat have benefited from the good behaviour of Broughton High School pupils.

Last term, the Woodplumpton Lane school raised money for their chosen charity Baby Beat - pupils there are rewarded with points for their good manners and politeness, generosity and kindness and various other awards.

These points are then converted into money, and this money is donated to the chosen charity.

And on Wednesday 9th November, a number of the pupils presented a cheque to Baby Beat for £326.37. 

In addition, Kaitlynn McCann, also from Broughton High School, has been holding fund-raising events in memory of her baby sister Millie, who died three years ago.

Prior to half term, she held a bake sale in school, and, along with her other events, Kaitlynn was able to hand over a cheque for £350.00.

The Broughton High School pupils are pictured with Lisa Cook Maternity Matron Complex Care and Jackie Burgess, Delivery Suite Coordinator.



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