Our Gynaecology & Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (GAU) on the first floor of Sharoe Green Unit is currently undergoing a refurbishment in response to patient feedback to improve our services. From 20/11 for around 6-8 weeks the service will be temporarily located in the Gynae outpatient suite on the ground floor Mon – Fri 8am -8pm. The phone numbers will remain the same. At night time and at weekends, the service will run from the gynaecology ward as usual on the first floor. A nurse will continue to triage all referrals and you will be advised to attend the gynae outpatient suite or potentially the ward, depending on your clinical status and space in the department. Please note, the service is running alongside other outpatient clinics so the department may look busier than usual, however, we have a separate waiting room for GAU/EPAU patients. Please be aware there may be a delay in dealing with your telephone queries given the logistics of the department. Thank you for baring with us whilst we improve your service.
For more information on our Early Pregnancy Assesment Unit click here.