visibility Lancashire Eye Centre preview Cataract track_changes Glaucoma face Optometrist ophthalmology Orthoptics Ophthalmology Pages OrthopticsLancashire Eye CentreOur StaffSpecialist ServicesOptometrists ServicesInformation LeafletsEye Care ConsultantsClick on a consultant to see more information. Dr Andrew Davies Consultant Ophthalmologist and Vitreoretinal Surgeon Mrs. Sunila Jain Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon Mrs. Indira Madgula Consultant Mr. Vikesh Patel Consultant Ms. Aysha Salam Consultant Mr. Manoreet Sira Consultant Mr. Kasra Taherian Consultant Ophthalmologist Dr Shveta Bhansal Consultant Ophthalmologist with a special interest in Ocular Motility and Neuroophthalmology. 01772 523217 Mr Gopalakrishna Menon Consultant Dr Emma Davies Consultant in Ophthalmology All Services a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z