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Major Trauma Centre

Contact number:   Switchboard 01772 716565

The regional Major Trauma Centre at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals provides life and limb saving treatment for patients throughout Lancashire and South Cumbria.

If you sustain a major trauma you are more likely to recover and less likely to have long term ill health or disability if you are treated in a major trauma centre by a team of skilled specialists who are experienced in dealing with the most critical injuries.

If you have a suspected major trauma you would usually be taken to the Major Trauma Centre by ambulance or air ambulance, and met on arrival by the major trauma team.  The major trauma team will stabilise your condition and undertake an initial assessment, delivering initial life saving treatment and arranging prompt diagnostic tests.  The team works together to plan your treatment programme including any ongoing rehabilitation or social care support you may require in the future.

The Major Trauma Centre team includes emergency, critical care, surgical, neurosurgical (head) and neuro rehabilitation, imaging (diagnostic tests such as scans and x-rays), orthopaedic and specialist mobility and rehabilitation staff. 

The Major Trauma Centre in Lancashire and South Cumbria is part of a major trauma network, with major trauma units at hospitals across the region.  Most major trauma patients are taken directly to the Major Trauma Centre, but some may first be stabilised at a closer major trauma unit and transferred later.

Major Trauma Centre 10 Year Anniversary



Get in touch

Chorley and South Ribble Hospital

Preston Road



01257 261222

Royal Preston Hospital

Sharoe Green Lane




01772 716565

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