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SAFE Centre

Contact number:   01772 523344

The Lancashire SAFE (Sexual Assault Forensic Examination) Centre provides forensic medical examinations and advice for all genders and ages who make a complaint of rape or sexual assault. This service is offered to all individuals living in Lancashire.

Contact us:

The SAFE Centre operates a 24hr telephone support line where either a Sexual Offence Examiner or Crisis Worker is available to talk to.

Tel: 01772 523344       Monday- Friday (0800-1600)

Tel: 01772 716565       Outside of the above hours.

Although the service is confidential, if we believe you are in an unsafe or dangerous situation, we cannot keep this information to ourselves and have to pass details to the Police or Social Services.

What to expect

We understand that you may be feeling scared or uncertain, and we recognise that trusting others can be difficult in such times. At SAFE, our primary goal is to provide you with clear information, options, and control over what happens next. We want you to feel comfortable and confident in the decisions you make. Whatever your choice may be, we are here to offer support and guidance every step of the way. You are not alone in this, and we respect your autonomy in making the decisions that are right for you.

Support and Advice Available at Safe Centre

Some rape/ sexual assault complainants feel that if they avoid talking about the assault, they will be able to forget about what happened to them. Most people who try this approach eventually realise that they need to deal with the assault. Their unresolved feelings and fears hold them back from enjoying their lives and participating fully in relationships.

Talking about the assault can help relieve some of the control it has had over you and help you to begin the process of recovery. We recommend that victims seek professional counselling as soon as possible to begin the healing process.

Therapy provides a safe, private place to deal with your feelings and concerns. It also can be helpful to talk about your reactions with friends and family members who are supportive and understanding.

The SAFE Centre provides advice on the following:

Pregnancy: If this is a concern following rape, the examiner can offer advice or alternatively, provide/ prescribe medication during the examination at SAFE. During the examination, the examiner can also undertake a pregnancy test.

Sexually transmitted infections: Further to an examination the examiner will offer advice and can refer patients to their local GUM clinic or arrange an appointment at our paediatric clinic held once a month, at SAFE.

We can also provide support and assistance:

  • We can get you medical help for any injuries by referring onto A&E
  • If you have not reported the incident to the police, we can talk through what this would entail and briefly explain the next steps
  • Patients may be able to claim for criminal injuries compensation. We can signpost to their Local Victim Support or Citizens Advice Bureau who offer this service
  • Any other issues relating to sexual assault and rape


Local Support Agencies:

  • The Rape Crisis national freephone helpline - Tel: 0808 500 2222


Click the link below to view a short animation explaining the role of Sexual Assault Referral Centres in supporting victims and survivors of sexual assault and abuse.

Self-Care and Support Options

Everyone reacts differently following a traumatic event, you may be confused about what has happened to you, emotional or overwhelmed. You may feel angry, ashamed, alone- these are all normal responses to being sexually assaulted or raped.

Below are some simple self-help techniques that may help.

  1. Avoid caffeine, smoking and alcohol later at night, this can help people who may be struggling to sleep.
  2. Avoid using your phone/tablet/laptop or watching tv for about an hour before bed. The blue light they emit disrupts our bodies natural way of feeling sleepy.
  3. Practice self-care. Flashbacks and anxiety are powerful experiences which drain your energy. Take time to look after yourself. You could have a warm, relaxing bath, a warm drink, play some soothing music or just take some quiet time for yourself.
  4. Try to think about different things. This is almost like playing a mentally stimulating game with yourself. Try counting back in 7’s from 100; think about 10 red things/ 10 different animals, say the alphabet slowly or backwards.
  5. Square breathing. Breathe in for 4 seconds (1, 2, 3, 4) Hold for 4 seconds (1, 2, 3, 4) Breathe out for 4 seconds (1, 2, 3, 4) Hold for 4 seconds (1, 2, 3, 4). Repeat.
  6. Five Senses Grounding Exercise. LOOK for 5 things you can see. LISTEN to 4 things you can hear. TOUCH 3 things you can touch. SMELL 2 things you can smell. TASTE 1 thing you can taste.

Get in touch

Chorley and South Ribble Hospital

Preston Road



01257 261222

Royal Preston Hospital

Sharoe Green Lane




01772 716565

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