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SAFE Centre

Contact number:   01772 523344

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The Lancashire SAFE (Sexual Assault Forensic Examination) Centre provides forensic medical examinations and advice for all genders and ages who make a complaint of rape or sexual assault. This service is offered to all individuals living in Lancashire.

Contact us:

  • Via the Police (call 999 or contact your nearest Police Station)
  • You can contact us as a self-referral
    Tel: 01772 523344 (08:00-16:00)
    Tel: 01772 716565, any time
  • Via your GP/ local hospital
  • Via any other agency

If you do not want to contact the police, you can call us on the above numbers and speak to a member of staff at any time of the day or night.

Although the service is confidential, if we believe you are in an unsafe or dangerous situation, we cannot keep this information to ourselves and may have to pass details to the Police or Social Services.

What to expect

If you wish for the police to be involved they will arrange to meet with you and accompany you to the centre for a forensic medical examination, if necessary.

Forensic Medical Examination:

The examiner must ask for your consent (agreement) before taking a history and examining you and/or taking samples, e.g. swabs, mouth samples, urine, blood. They will explain why the questions, examination or samples may be appropriate. The centres Crisis Worker will stay with you throughout your examination.

Consent is your choice. You can say yes or no. If you need more time or information, please ask.

The examiner can provide prophylactic treatment where necessary, for HIV, Hepatitis B, and Emergency Contraception.

The examiner will also offer advice and refer you to your local GUM clinic for Sexual Health Screening.

Information for complainants undergoing a Forensic Medical Examination - FFLM


We can sign post you to local counselling services and support services.

Some rape/ sexual assault complainants feel that if they avoid talking about the assault, they will be able to forget about what happened to them.

Most people who try this approach eventually realize that they need to deal with the assault. Their unresolved feelings and fears hold them back from enjoying their lives and participating fully in relationships.

Talking about the assault can help relieve some of the control it has over you and help you begin the process of recovery. We recommend that victims seek professional counselling as soon as possible to begin the healing process.

Therapy provides a safe, private place to deal with your feelings and concerns. It also can be helpful to talk about your reactions with friends and family members who are supportive and understanding.

Sexual Violence Support have put together a support pack which you may find useful:

Get in touch

Chorley and South Ribble Hospital

Preston Road



01257 261222

Royal Preston Hospital

Sharoe Green Lane




01772 716565

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