Therapy In-Patients (In Hospital)
Our team provides an integrated therapy service for patients staying in hospital.
- Acute medicine
The acute medical therapy team is made up of of occupational therapists (OT),physiotherapists, and integrated therapy assistants.
Our team provides an integrated therapy service to all the acute medical wards, inclusive of cardiology, care of the elderly, respiratory, gastroenterology, and the regional renal unit. All patients deemed appropriate by the multidisciplinary team (MDT), are referred for the appropriate specialist therapy assessment. Patients may be seen jointly by an OT and physiotherapist or by just one discipline, depending on their needs.
The types of specialist assessments that we cover include
- Functional mobility and transfers
- Activities of daily living (ADL)
- Cognition (eg attention, memory and concentration)
- Mood (anxiety and low mood)
- Chest / breathing problems
- Continence
- Feeding & nutrition
- Seating, posture and pressure care needs
- Wheelchairs
Our interventions may include
- Education and advice for acute and long term condition and symptom management
- Brief interventions
- Issuing of equipment for home to improve independence and safety
- Onward referrals for relevant specialist intervention
- Referrals for specialist rehabilitation
- Signposting for community services
- Carer support
Our philosophy is holistic, client centred care. We work with our patients to help them achieve the maximum level of independence possible, and realise a timely and safe discharge from hospital.
- Burns and plastics
Within our Burns and Plastic Surgery department we have specialist physiotherapists and occupational therapists who work alongside a highly skilled multidisciplinary team to provide a high standard of care.
Our roles include:
- Mobility assessments and provision of walking aids.
- Provision of exercises to maintain/improve range of movement and muscle strength.
- Breathing exercises following surgery.
- Splinting for complex hand injuries/ for the prevention of burn contractures
- Specialist Scar Management service
- Provision of pressure garments following surgery.
- Activities of daily living assessment to facilitate safe and timely ward discharge
- Referral to appropriate outpatient services as required on discharge.
- Critical Care
- Elective orthopaedics
We undertake inpatient physiotherapy assessment and treatment for elective orthopaedic patients.
Our Team
The team consists of senior and junior physiotherapists and therapy assistants. Treatment will be designed to encourage patients to achieve their rehabilitation potential and promote independence. We are based on the Leyland and Rawcliffe wards at Chorley District Hospital.
Elective procedures at Chorley District Hospital
•Total Hip Replacement
•Total Knee Replacement
•Hip/Knee/Ankle Arthroscopies
•Spinal Decompressions / Discectomy
•Foot Surgery
•Shoulder Surgery
We are part of the larger multidisciplinary orthopaedic team consisting of orthopaedic consultants and their medical team, nurses and occupational therapists. The orthopaedic physiotherapy team will liaise with members of the multi-disciplinary team, and are integral in helping to coordinate safe and effective discharge packages. This can also include liaison with the community physiotherapy team to ensure continuity of care for the patient.
Outpatient Services
We also run an orthopaedic outpatient service to facilitate continued rehabilitation on discharge from hospital. This may include 1:1 physiotherapy clinic, Total Knee Replacement rehab class, hydrotherapy and hip advice clinic.
Service Improvement
As a team we are constantly auditing our service to enable improvement. As such, the orthopaedic physiotherapy team now run a seven day service so that elective inpatients can access physiotherapy every day.
- General and Vascular Surgery
The Surgical Integrated Therapy team based at the Royal Preston Hospital site provides therapy services to the surgical assessment unit (SAU) and to the general surgery, vascular and urology wards – in excess of 74 inpatient beds. The team, comprising of Physiotherapists and occupational therpaists, provides assessment and treatment to patients undergoing both emergency and elective surgery, and those with vascular conditions.
We focus on:
- assisting the recovering patient to regain function in daily activities.
- improving mobility to pre-operative levels where feasible.
- preventing breathing problems and optimizing respiratory function.
- educating patients about their condition and its best long term management.
- assisting in safe discharge from hospital through assessment and provision of aids and equipment
- Head and Neck
Within our head and neck service we have specialist physiotherapists and occupational therapists who work alongside a highly skilled multidisciplinary team to provide a high standard of care.
Our roles include:
- Pre-operative assessment – including advice and education in preparation for surgery.
- Breathing exercises and chest clearance techniques following surgery.
- Early mobility assessments and provision of walking aids.
- Provision of shoulder and neck exercises to maintain/improve range of movement and muscle strength.
- Exercise promotion following surgery.
- Splinting for protection.
- Activities of daily living assessment to facilitate a safe and timely discharge.
- Referral to appropriate outpatient services as required on discharge.
You may find the websites below helpful and informative;
- Neurosciences
Neurosciences ( including Neurology and Neurosurgery)
The Neurosciences Integrated Therapy Team (Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy) is based at Royal Preston Hospital, which is a Regional Neurosciences and Major Trauma Centre for Lancashire and South Cumbria. The Neurosciences team work on both neurosurgical and neurology wards.
The neurosurgery wards care for patients admitted via emergency pathways with head and spinal trauma or electively with a variety of head or spinal conditions which require surgery. The neurology ward cares for those admitted due to an acute deterioration of their neurological condition or those requiring diagnosis.
The aim of the therapy team is to provide specialist physical and cognitive assessment to provide treatment to achieve best functional outcomes. We progress rehabilitation, support longer term management of conditions and contribute to discharge planning working with other health and social care professionals. We endeavour to provide a quality service based on individuals’ needs and have a positive impact on patient care and experience.
Our therapy team is on the ward 8.30 - 4.30, Monday to Friday.
Contact Details
Royal Preston Hospital - 01772 716565
Physiotherapy - Bleep 2801
Occupational therapy - Bleep 3553
- Integrated Therapy Oncology and Palliative Care Team
The Integrated Therapy Team is based at the Royal Preston Hospital Site working with adult in patients with a cancer diagnosis. We work with people who have experienced a change in their abilities due to their illness and/or treatments and aim to enable them to achieve as much as they can for themselves, in order to get the most out of life.
The team consists physiotherapy and occupational therapy staff who will support your hospital stay and assist in planning for discharge.
Occupational therapists can help with various problems you might experience, including:
- difficulties in coping with everyday activities
- shortness of breath, extreme tiredness (fatigue) and anxiety
The occupational therapists may show you different techniques or equipment to help you manage. They may also order specific equipment for you for home or advise on where you can hire or buy it depending on your situation.
Physiotherapists focus on
- maintaining or improving mobility
- stair assessments
- breathing techniques
- exercise advice
How can I see a physiotherapist or occupational therapist
The service is available Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. Patients can be referred to the Integrated Therapy Team by any healthcare professional. For more information please contact 01772 522495
- Orthopaedics
- Paediatrics
The Paediatric Therapy Team is based within the Integrated Therapy Team at Royal Preston Hospital.
The service provides physiotherapy and occupational therapy to children across all age ranges, from pre-term babies on the neo-natal unit, through to adolescents on the children’s ward.
The team covers a whole range of specialties including neurology, plastic surgery, neo-natal services, medicine and surgery, trauma and orthopaedics, cystic fibrosis and specialist talipes care.
We aim to provide a high quality, accessible therapy service to all out patients and their families.
The paediatric therapy team can be contacted on 01772 716565
- Surgical
The Surgical Integrated Therapy team based at the Royal Preston Hospital site provides therapy services to the surgical assessment unit (SAU) and to the general surgery, vascular and urology wards – in excess of 74 inpatient beds. The team, comprising of Physiotherapists and occupational therapists, provides assessment and treatment to patients undergoing both emergency and elective surgery, and those with vascular conditions.
We focus on:
- assisting the recovering patient to regain function in daily activities.
- improving mobility to pre-operative levels where feasible.
- preventing breathing problems and optimizing respiratory function.
- educating patients about their condition and its best long term management.
- assisting in safe discharge from hospital through assessment and provision of aids and equipment
- Stroke Rehabilitation
Stroke Rehabilitation Therapy Team
This is an integrated therapy team consisting of occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, and therapy assistants. The team is based on the 24 bedded Stroke Rehabilitation Unit, Rookwood B at Chorley Hospital and forms part of the Trust Stroke Pathway.
The stroke pathway indicates that on admission to the Trust with a stroke the patient will be taken to the acute stroke ward, ward 21 at Royal Preston Hospital. From there the patient will either be discharged or transferred to the Stroke Rehabilitation Unit, Rookwood B for further rehabilitation
On arrival to the stroke rehabilitation unit, the stroke therapy team will introduce themselves, complete an initial review/assessment and get to know the patient’s needs and goals (this may take several assessments). Rehabilitation will be designed based on the patient’s needs and initial assessments and the team will work with the patient and their families to set specific rehabilitation goals. Treatment and goals are continually reviewed to match patient needs as they change.
The team use evidence based rehabilitation techniques and strategies to promote recovery. Treatment will take place in different forms. This may include:
- Group Therapy Sessions
- Individual Sessions
- Education Sessions
- Discharge planning meetings.
- Personalised therapy programmes to complete on an individual basis between therapy sessions.
Treatment may involve:
- Hands on therapy intervention applying Bobath Principles
- FES (Functional Electrical Stimulation- an approach where electrodes are applied to the muscle to send low level electrical impulses to the nerves to activate muscles and encourage functional movement)
- Cognitive therapy intervention looking at memory, attention and executive skills
- Relaxation methods
- GRASP exercises (Graded Repetitive Arm Supplementary Programme)
- Sensory stimulation
- Personal Care practice e.g. washing and dressing
- Kitchen practice e.g. preparing hot drink and snack
Stroke Rehab Therapist roles
Occupational Therapist:
Their role is to support the patient to become as independent as possible in activities of daily living. They will help provide practical solutions to overcome some of the problems caused by stroke. They may look at appropriate seating, mental processing such as memory and concentration, vision, physical abilities and mood. This will often be completed via tasks such as feeding, washing, dressing and kitchen tasks and may involve learning new ways of doing and practicing everyday tasks. They may support your discharge planning and may arrange to visit the patient’s home if required to identify equipment or support needs for discharge.
The physiotherapists will assess in detail how the stroke has affected the ability to move. They will work with each patient to try and improve posture, balance, limb weakness and how they move. They will work through exercises with the patient within their current level of ability to mobilise muscles and joints, and practice movements and postures. Working closely with the OT’s, treatments will aim to improve independence and make movements easier such as sitting upright, reaching, standing and stepping etc.
Speech and Language Therapist:
They provide assessment, diagnosis and management of people with voice, communication and swallowing problems following stroke. They will assess the patient’s ability to communicate and help them recover or adapt. Speech therapists may be able to provide exercises and therapy for patients who have facial weakness following stroke to help regain strength and improve speech. They will also a patient’s swallow function and advise on the correct texture of food and drink. This may involve working with different consistencies such as puree diet and thickened fluids alongside therapy to aim for recovery of swallow.
Therapy Assistants:
Work alongside the occupational therapists, physiotherapists and speech and language therapists. They carry out tasks and practice exercises which have been set by the therapists.
Student Therapists:
As a teaching hospital, the stroke rehabilitation team welcomes Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist students on work placement. Students will work closely with the qualified therapists to provide high quality rehabilitation whilst working to complete their relevant degrees.
Which therapists will work with the patient will be determined by the patient’s needs. The therapy team will aim to have regularly contact with each stroke patient during therapy working hours of 8.30am-4.30pm whilst their progress continues and they are able to tolerate treatment.
Contact Details:
Stroke rehabilitation Team: 01257 245118
Our therapy team is on the ward 8.30am-4.30pm Monday to Friday
Find out more on Stroke and the stroke pathway at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust here.
- Trauma Orthopaedics
The Royal Preston Hospital is a Major Trauma Centre offering specialist services to patients across Lancashire and South Cumbria. Most major trauma patients are treated and discharged from the hospital following traumatic fractures, soft tissue injuries or wounds, but some may be transferred to their local hospital once stabilised.
The Therapy Service
The Trauma Orthopaedic therapy service, offers both occupational and physiotherapy to patients following a traumatic injuries, surgery and elective spinal surgery. Patients are provided with acute physiotherapy post-operatively or once appropriate post-injury in the ward environment on Ward 14 and 16. Occupational therapists offer functional equipment, wheelchairs and functional advice where appropriate. Both therapy services work together within a multi-disciplinary team to provide the most effective patient care and safe discharges.
On discharge patients are offered follow-up rehabilitation from their local provider if required, or some patients may require further input in the community before returning home.
- Women’s Health Physiotherapy Team
Who we are
The Women’s Health Physiotherapy Team is based at both Royal Preston Hospital and Chorley District and General Hospital. The team is made up of Specialist female physiotherapists and therapy assistants who are all passionate about offering a high quality service to our patients. We ensure that all our patients are treated with dignity and respect and all information is treated in the strictest confidence.
The specialist areas of referral to our team are from obstetrics, gynaecology, colorectal and breast surgery.
What we do
Antenatal and Postnatal
We provide pre and postnatal outpatient appointments for women experiencing a range of pregnancy related problems. Women will be taught self-help advice and exercises to help with self-management of these problems. Further treatment options and provision of equipment may be provided depending on individual needs.
We receive referrals from midwives, GPs and obstetricians. We also accept self-referrals from ladies who are pregnant and up to 3 months postnatal via the following email
Conditions treated include:
- Pelvic Girdle Pain
- Pregnancy related back pain
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Abdominal diastasis
- Bladder problems
- Perineal trauma
- Pelvic floor rehabilitation
We also run an aquanatal class once weekly at Bamber Bridge Leisure Centre on a Tuesday at 12noon. Ladies can attend from 16 weeks of pregnancy. If you have any specific medical or pregnancy complications, please ensure you seek confirmation from your obstetric team that you are safe to attend.
We receive referrals from the GPs and consultants for the following:
- Prolapse
- Urinary incontinence including stress incontinence, urgency and frequency
- Pelvic floor dysfunction including, pain and sexual dysfunction
We receive referrals from the colorectal consultants for the following:
- Constipation
- Obstructive defaecation
- Anal Incontinence
Breast Care
We offer physiotherapy to patients who are undergoing treatment for breast cancer. This includes men and women who have undergone:
- Mastectomies
- Lymph node surgeries
- Wide local excision with lymph node surgery
- Breast reconstructive surgeries following a breast cancer diagnosis.
Patients will receive pre-operative advice prior to their surgery and a physiotherapy outpatient appointment following their surgery. As part of this rehabilitation process, we also offer a weekly circuit exercise class to support you in your return to exercise.
If you have had previous breast cancer surgery and feel you have ongoing problems related to this, your breast care nurse or GP can refer you back to physiotherapy.