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Car Parking Concessions

Changes to concessionary car parking charges for patients and visitors

From April 2021, the Government has introduced new guidance on the provision of free car parking for certain groups of hospital patients and visitors. This means that the following people are now eligible to receive  free parking at our hospitals:

  • Disabled people holding a valid Blue Badge

  • Frequent outpatient attendees, defined as those who are required to attend hospital for an appointment at least three times within a month for at least three months.
  • Parents or guardians of sick children staying overnight in the hospital

In addition to the above, and in line with our existing concessionary parking arrangements, the Trust will continue to offer:

  • Free parking to patients with a life-long condition requiring two or more hospital visits per week (this mainly applies to our renal dialysis patients)
  • Family visitors to a gravely ill inpatient a concessionary parking fee of £2.50 per day
  • Family visitors to a relative with an extended stay in hospital beyond 21 days a concessionary parking fee of £2.50 per day

Blue Badge Holders

For Blue Badge holders to access free parking during office hours (see below), please take your blue badge and your vehicle's registration number to the General Office and your details be noted for free parking. 

The General Office at Chorley and South Ribble Hospital is located next to the main reception. The General Office at Royal Preston Hospital is located inside the main entrance. 

For those looking to register their vehicle out of hours (evenings and weekends), please email a photograph of your blue badge (both sides) and your vehicle registration details to and the team will register your vehicle for free parking.

Registering your vehicle at either site will ensure you are covered for both Hospital sites

From 22/05/2024 A Blue Badge holder can register one car to their badge for the free parking concession. Should a badge holder attend in a different vehicle they have registered on the system, they will have to attend the General office in person and deregister the existing vehicle and add the new one.

If a hire car or courtesy is used at any time for whatever reason, the Blue Badge holder can contact the carpark team direct   at and it will be added for the time needed. In other words until you return the hire care. (This is extra to any car registrations previously registered)

The Blue Badge has an expiry date on which is the date the concession runs too. 

When the blue badge holder receives their NEW badge that should then be re-registered with the General Office/Car Park Helpdesk. 

All this information is available in printed format at either General Office.  

Applying for a Parking Concession

Patients, relatives or carers who are eligible for free or concessionary parking will firstly need to speak to the clinical staff on the ward, clinic, or department to complete a form.

Any completed and endorsed car parking concessions certificate application forms can then be taken to the General Office.

The General Office will then process the application and issue the appropriate concession.

Only the General Offices can issue concessions or deal with travel expense claims.

Therefore, concessions can only be issued, and expense claims made during the times listed below.

Royal Preston Hospital                     

Monday – Thursday, 9am – 4.15pm          

Friday, 9am – 4pm

Chorley and South Ribble Hospital  

Monday – Thursday, 8.30am – 4.15pm                                                                              

Fri, 8.30am – 3pm

The national NHS Healthcare Travel Cost Scheme (see refunds reasonable travel costs of hospital patients if they or their partner are receiving a qualifying state benefit or allowance, or meet the eligibility criteria of the NHS Low Income Scheme. If eligibility criteria are met, travel and parking costs can be reimbursed by the hospital General Office, or by submitting the HC5 (T) form which is on the NHS Choices website.

Get in touch

Chorley and South Ribble Hospital

Preston Road



01257 261222

Royal Preston Hospital

Sharoe Green Lane




01772 716565

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