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May 2022


Earlier this week  the Estates team at RPH helped to rescue a large swarm of honey bees that had gathered on the waste yard fencing. The bees had shown no sign of moving on after several hours so a local beekeeper, Viki Cuthbertson, was contacted and she very kindly came out to help. Viki brought...


A new health academy has been launched to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in Lancashire and South Cumbria. The Population Health and Health Equity Academy will see health and care partners across Lancashire and South Cumbria come together to develop a consistent approach to reducing the differences in people’s health. The...


An unbroken marathon of life-saving service hit an amazing 10-year record today. Northwest Blood Bikes delivery of vital NHS supplies has continued round-the-clock for ten years regardless of appalling weather, snarled traffic and back-to-back pandemic lockdowns. Today’s stunning milestone means the riders have taken blood between hospitals across the North West and the southern...


Care packages designed to say a heartfelt thank you and filled with tokens of appreciation have been delivered to staff working across Lancashire Teaching Hospitals maternity service in celebration of International Day of the Midwife. The care packages were created in partnership with the Royal College of Midwives local branch and include generous donations made...


Did you know there are around 350 different careers in the NHS?  That means that there’s almost certainly a job with us that would be perfect for you or someone you know! Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is one of the biggest Trusts in the North West and we are constantly striving to improve,...


Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Charity chosen as this year’s Charity of the Year by Arco Clothing Centre. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, staff at the Preston based centre have made an outstanding contribution to help support their customers and local charities that are close to their hearts. During lockdown, the company held their own ‘Spread a...

Get in touch

Chorley and South Ribble Hospital

Preston Road



01257 261222

Royal Preston Hospital

Sharoe Green Lane




01772 716565

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