Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust produces a wide range of patient information leaflets which give details on treatments and procedures carried out at this trust. Also included is patient information provided by other appropriate organisations, for example Royal College of Anaesthetics, British Hearth Foundation etc.
The provision of good quality information is central to the patients’ ability to make valued decisions and informed choices about medical treatment and care and can:
- Help to ensure that patients arrive on time and are properly prepared
- Give patients confidence, improving their overall experience
- Remind patients of what they have already been told
- Involve patients and carers in their treatment and condition
Our patient information leaflets are reviewed regularly and can also be made available in different languages and easy read formats on request.
For any queries on any of our information or if you would like further help please email
- General Health Information Websites:
Patient UK : Health and information leaflets
The NHS Website : A-Z of Conditions and treatments
Medicines Information : up to date, approved and regulated prescribing information for licensed medicines
The Patients Association : advice, information and support about the health and social care system
- Specialised Health Information Websites:
Macmillan : cancer information and support
Carers UK : advise, support and connect with other carers
AccessAble : Provide need to know guides for accessibility within our hospital. : information and support for people living with mental illness
Age UK : services and support for older people
British Heart Foundation : information around Heart conditions and wellbeing
Diabetes UK : Diabetes Information and support
Coronavirus (Covid 19) updates provided via The Deaf Health Charity Signhealth
Coronavirus (Covid19) Guidance leaflets/pdfs available in 34 languages including Urdu, Arabic, Gujarati and Punjabi:
- Easy Read Leaflets
As part of the ‘Help Us Help You Campaign’ from NHS England and Improvement:
COVID19 and Flu
New Hospitals
Other Services
- Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)
Caring Campaign - End of Life
Patient Contribution to Case Notes Video - BSL
Patient Safety Incident Response Framework Video - BSL
Below is a link to many useful videos.
It is a collection of health information in BSL, covering topics from cancer and depression, to types of abuse and how to perform first aid.