The Carers Forum
Back in June 2021 the ‘Experience of care week’ we launched our Carers forum in collaboration with Lancashire Carers Services in partnership with Ncompass. The aim of our forum is to provide a friendly ear, support and information that cover hospital and community services.
We have several carers that attend on a regular basis so the forum really does provide an experienced view and a great support when it comes to helping others.
Due to attendance by Carers UK and NCompass we also share the various Carers meetings that are now being held around Lancashire and the opportunity for you to meet and have a Coffee and Chat
Our monthly forum is held online via MS teams and in the past we have shared information around the Carers assessments, discharges from the hospital and various supports via the community and things needed such as equipment and who to contact.
For details of how to join our monthly carer’s forum, please see the details on the poster below.

In an informal friendly atmosphere the Carers' Forum facilitates the sharing of views and experiences of Carers' with diverse responsibilities and commitments. This allows the Trust's representatives to relay key issues into the Trust that maximize the opportunities for improvements in service delivery and patient care.
"The Carers forum is a great meeting place to allow carers to hear information and ideas from the professionals in Lancashire Teaching hospital and Lancashire Carers community. The forum also offers carers a chance to voice their opinions and experiences on topics that affect patients, stay in hospital, discharge and potential aftercare. Being invited to join this forum has made me feel less alone as a carer. Thank you to Alison, Colin and the team."
In the face of lockdowns and restrictions on line meetings the Carers Forum provides a conduit for information and advice for carers. We know that carers and online is not an easy mix so thanks for persevering and providing a much appreciated service.