Patients and their families are at the heart of everything we do as a Trust and our new Patient Experience and Involvement Strategy (2022-2025) sets out how we intend to build on the fantastic work we already do to deliver high quality and compassionate care.
Our new Patient Experience and Involvement Strategy sets out tangible and measurable actions which will help to transform the experience of patients and ensure that they are fully involved in any decision making around their care.
Our aims and objectives
Our three-year strategy (2022-2025) is designed around our Trust ambition to Consistently Deliver Excellent Care for our patients and describes the Lancashire Teaching Hospitals ambition to deliver a positive patient experience delivered in partnership, whilst improving outcomes and reducing harm, getting it right first time and ensuring a safe, caring environment.
Listening to Our Patients
Listening to the lived experience of our patients presents us with a brilliant opportunity to improve existing services and find new and better ways to meet the needs of patients and their families.
Through this strategy we commit to using the insights and intelligence from our extensive sources of data - from local Healthwatch teams to large scale national patient surveys, citizen assemblies and service user stories to co-produce our improvements. We also commit to learning from the best as we further involve our patients and local communities.
Co-production – A New Way of Working
Our patients, families, carers, colleagues, and governors are our strongest partners and they have played a key role in helping us to co-produce our vision, strategy and implementation plan and they are key to ensuring that we deliver our vision.
Co-production outlines a different way of working in which the relationship between patients and local communities who use our services changes from basic engagement or consultation to a more meaningful form of involvement with a more equitable level of power between partners.
Within this strategy we make a commitment to work in partnership, on an equal footing, with our patients, their carers, staff, governors and wider partners to co-produce the service improvements that will deliver tangible improvements in patient experience. Working together we will design and deliver a comprehensive patient experience programme where patient feedback can identify areas that need improving and how we can make those improvements.
Delivering The Plan
The Patient Experience and Involvement Group, a sub-committee of the Safety and Quality Committee will oversee the implementation of this strategy. The committee is made up of patients, carers, patient and carer groups, governors and staff colleagues and will focus on the three major areas of work: insights, involvement and improvement. You can read more about all the actions identified within these areas of work in the Patient Experience and Involvement strategy.
Get Involved
If you’d like to get involved and help us to deliver our Patient Experience and Involvement Strategy, please get in touch with our Patient Experience and Involvement Lead at: