Share your feedback on our NHS joint forward plan and the future of hospital services
We want to improve the standard of care we offer so that all patients have equal access to the same high-quality care, no matter where they live in Lancashire and South Cumbria. We want to ensure that services are as close to people’s homes as possible, whenever they can be. We also want to...
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals and Age UK Lancashire come together to help promote Healthy Living and new Winter Preparedness Programme
Members of NHS Property Services volunteered their time to help prepare for the grand opening of the new Age UK Lancashire Charity Shop in Burnley. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals and Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trusts have come together with Age UK Lancashire to help promote Healthy Living and a new Winter Preparedness Programme. The...
LTH Governors in attendance at Governor Focus Conference at Kia Oval
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Governors Piotr Spadlo and Janet Miller both attended the Governor Focus Conference at the Kia Oval in London on Tuesday 23 May. Both had a brilliant day, at the famous old Test cricket venue in Kennington, Lambeth – which also hosted England's first international football match and the first FA Cup final. Over 250 governors...
Trust Major Incident simulation is first in the North West
There is no substitute for experience, and Lancashire Teaching Hospital’s Major Incident (MAJAX) simulation days at Chorley and South Ribble Hospital – the first such events in the North West – will be of huge benefit for organisational learning at the Trust and for Emergency Medicine trainees across the region. Organised by Mark Brown, Senior Clinical...
Cause of Death on NTA long-list for Best Factual
Channel 5 documentary series Cause of Death, featuring several departments across Royal Preston Hospital, has been long-listed in the National Television Awards for Best Factual. The Candour Productions series, which aired in October and November last year, was also filmed alongside the Coroner’s Office and Lancashire Police, following real life coronial investigations, medical processes and...
Trust’s CES Big Room leading the way nationally on Cauda Equina pathway
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals’ CES Big Room are currently leading nationally in co-designing a framework for clinical care structured pathway across our integrated care system with key stakeholders. Cauda equina syndrome (CES), is a spinal condition which can lead to paralysis and incontinence, requiring timely diagnosis and management – there remains significant fear and anxiety about missing...
Local NHS welcomes government announcement of national funding, paving the way for new hospital facilities in Lancashire and South Cumbria
Today (25 May 2023) the Government has announced a record investment of more than £20 billion, ring-fenced for the next phase of the national New Hospital Programme, which brings proposals for new cutting-edge hospital facilities for Lancashire and South Cumbria a step closer. In September 2022, the NHS in Lancashire and South Cumbria stated its preference for new hospitals...
Sir Lindsay Hoyle officially launches expansion of Clinical Health Psychology Services at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals
The expansion of the Clinical Health Psychology Service at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust was launched last week with a ribbon-cutting event attended by Sir Lindsay Hoyle, Member of Parliament for Chorley and Speaker of the House of Commons. Sir Lindsay was invited to formally launch the expansion, with the Clinical Health Psychology Service (...