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The charity, Thrombosis UK has launched a new patient information app to help provide people with reliable information about blood clots and venous thromboembolism (VTE).   The app, which is called ‘Let’s Talk Clots’, is free to download, access and use. Information shared on the app has been developed and written in collaboration with individuals...


Around 14,000 people die every year in the UK as a direct result of falls or injuries sustained, with around a third of people aged 65 and over falling at least once a year. As people get older it’s not unusual that they become unsteady on their feet and even though falling is quite common it...


Our Gynaecology & Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (GAU) on the first floor of Sharoe Green Unit is currently undergoing a refurbishment in response to patient feedback to improve our services. From 20/11 for around 6-8 weeks the service will be temporarily located in the Gynae outpatient suite on the ground floor Mon – Fri 8am -8pm. The...


A Clinical Nurse Tutor at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust was commended for her contribution to International Nursing and Midwifery at a special ceremony at Buckingham Palace this week, hosted by His Majesty The King. Meettu Koshy, Clinical Nurse Tutor in the Professional Education Development Team at the Trust, admitted it was “a dream come...


Lancashire Teaching Hospitals is delighted to announce that Consultant Chest Physician Professor Mohammed Munavvar has been highly commended in the ‘Clinical Leader of the Year’ category at this year’s Health Service Journal (HSJ) Awards. The award was announced at a glittering ceremony held in London last night (16th November) and is one of the...


The Cause of Death series on Channel 5 has shone a light on real life coronial investigations, going behind the scenes as medical mysteries are solved. Among those helping solve those mysteries are certain professionals within the NHS, whose roles may be less well known to the public. Indeed, some areas are so under the radar,...


Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is marking the first anniversary of the opening of Finney House today, when it took over the residential facility to run a Community Healthcare Hub designed to accommodate patients who no longer need specialist hospital care. The site was formally opened on 14 November, 2022, when the Trust took on the...


100 Voices - an immersive sound installation created from five months of research, workshops and conversation with staff, patients, and visitors in 12 hospitals across four NHS Foundation Trusts, including Lancashire Teaching Hospitals - is coming to Royal Preston Hospital next week. The unique installation will be located in the Chapel from Monday 20 November to Thursday 30 November...

Get in touch

Chorley and South Ribble Hospital

Preston Road



01257 261222

Royal Preston Hospital

Sharoe Green Lane




01772 716565

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