Baby Mae says thank you with £600 donation to Preston Neo Natal Unit
The family of a little girl whose life was saved by staff at the Neonatal Unit at Royal Preston Hospital have raised more than £600 for the unit from donations received for her first birthday. Mae McGowan-Etheridge was seriously ill when she was born on October 8 last year and is making the donation through Baby Beat,...
Prizes to be won at Fulwood Scarecrow Trail in aid of the Baby Beat charity
A Scarecrow Trail in Fulwood will raise funds for Baby Beat, the charity supporting services for babies and parents at maternity services run in Preston and Chorley by Lancashire Teaching Hospitals. The We Are Fulwood community group has organised the fun half-term event running from 9am on Sunday October 25 to Sunday November 1. Organisers Joanne Singh...
City Hindu Society thanks NHS staff with generous donation to Royal Preston Hospital
Photo: Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Deputy Divisional Nurse Director for Medicine (left) and Clinical Business Manager Karen Hatch accept the donation from Gujarat Hindu Society Vice-President Ishwerbhai Tailor. Generous members of Preston’s Gujarat Hindu Society have made a donation of £7,000 that will be used to fund improvements in the Critical Care Unit and Renal Ward...
Ground breaking event to mark the start of building work on new Ophthalmology unit at Chorley and South Ribble Hospital
We are investing £17.5 million to develop enhanced Ophthalmology and daycase facilities at Chorley and South Ribble Hospital. Work is now underway and a ground breaking event was held today (Thursday 15th October) to mark the start of the exciting development which is expected to open in October 2021. The new department will be in addition to...
Recruitment opens for launch of new rehab unit at Royal Preston Hospital
Recruitment has begun for a staff team to launch a new rehabilitation unit at Royal Preston Hospital. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals aims to fill 50 roles across various specialities including nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and support roles at the new unit, due to open later this year. There will be a mix of secondment opportunities, permanent roles...
Breast screening saves lives – don’t miss your appointment
Routine breast screening services are fully operational in Lancashire and South Cumbria. Local people are being assured that it is safe to attend this quick but vital appointment if invited. One in eight women in the UK are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. The risk increases with age, which is why all people...
Chorley Emergency Department
We have announced that we will be in a position to re-open the Emergency Department at Chorley and South Ribble District General Hospital on a phased and reduced hours basis from the 2nd November 2020. The unit had been temporarily closed since Wednesday the 1st April as part of the Trust’s response to the pandemic....
Progress Update: Chorley Birth Centre
Some fantastic progress has been made on the all-new Chorley Birth Centre, due for completion in the coming weeks! Watch this video featuring colleagues Sarah Cullen, Janet Cotton, Trudy Delves, Joanne Goss, Emma Ashton and Francesca Seed of the Maternity Voices Partnership, to discover some amazing new features, fittings and concepts for the new facility....